Diabolo Tricks
written for righties
Flash Movie Controls
allow viewing larger animations with stop/step controls
All animations are of the performer's view.
Cat's Cradle
(Also called the Scottish Flag)
see Flash Movie Controls
I can do this trick!
lb = Left Backside, cc = Cat's Cradle, and ct = Cradle Toss
1) Go to the Left Backside of the string. This is done by tossing the diabolo off to the left side, then recapturing it by bringing the left string down over the axle. Bring the left stick up after circling the diabolo (counter clockwise) so that the sticks are again in standard position. Now there is a string twist on the axle and to add speed in this position you need to pull with the left.
2) Using the right stick make a cradle. Follow steps a-e for instructions on 'sewing' a cradle with the right stick.
a) Drop the Left stick a little lower than the right and angle it so it points more right than straight ahead.
b) Now the right stick does the work. Move the end of the right stick around the end of the left stick so the right string hangs behind the left stick. The right stick is still above the left.
c) Pull the right stick back toward you so the right string is draped over the left stick.
d) Now poke your right stick end under the left stick end left of the string.
e) Pulling both sticks apart, you should see the cradle form. Your sticks can be held straight out or you can angle them to begin to point upward. The diabolo hopefully is still spinning on the bottom string.
3) Now toss the diabolo up from the bottom string. Be careful to keep the top of the cradle strings out away from the rising diabolo.
4) As the diabolo rises, hold the sticks straight upward and apart to display the cradle.
5) Catch the diabolo on the cradles' 'X' and hold for audience display.
6) Finally toss the diabolo from the cradle, drop arms (pointing sticks downward to loose string loops), and tighten strings for catch.
7) Catch diabolo. (Fancy
catch; if you have one.)
Trapeze Cradle
see Flash Movie Controls
(Good beginning way to learn Cradles.)
1) Do a Right Trapeze. While the diabolo is sitting in the trapeze spinning, gradually move both your stick ends together allowing the diabolo to hang lower.
2) With your left stick end, point at the closes loop of string over the right stick. Now hook under that loop with your left stick and begin to pull your sticks apart. Your sticks should both be straight out and parallel with each other as you pull,
3) Notice the closest string to you. Stop pulling the sticks apart when that string is almost touching the near cup of the diabolo.
4) Now toss the diabolo up off the other strings. After tossing keeping your sticks parallel to each other and begin pointing them both straight up (like holding two candles).
5) Between your sticks you should have a cross of strings. Catch the falling diabolo on the center of the cross and allow it to set and spin.
6) Return to normal position by pointing sticks, first at each other, then downward. After diabolo is in normal position move sticks straight out.
Also see
Beginning Trapezes
for instructions
(Trapeze Cradle variation)
see Flash Movie Controls
source: Zach
1. Do a Trapeze Cradle, but don't toss it yet. Also keep your sticks horizontal, level to the floor.
2. Toss the diabolo up
so it hits the top string but
keeps going up (unlike a normal trapeze cradle, which
misses the upper string as it is tossed.) Remember to keep your sticks horizontal.
3. Try to get the diabolo
high enough to touch your
sticks together down below it.
4. Catch the diabolo and
bounce it back up again as
many times as you want, then catch it regularly.
Turn Over Cradle
see Flash Movie Controls
source: Bruce Love
1) The diabolo is spinning in neutral position with the sticks in neutral position (i.e. parallel to the ground and each other).
2) Bring the hands together and lift the left hand higher than the right. So at this time you have the two strings vertical with sticks in neutral position the left stick about 1 foot higher than the right.
3) Pull the left stick back about 6 inches and drape (wrap) the left string over (from the left) the right stick. So now the right stick is still in neutral position with the left stick to the right of it and lower than it with the arms crossed left over right. At this time the left stick is pointing down 45 degrees.
4) Pick up the string coming from the right stick with the end of the left stick. This is done by digging the end of the left stick just to the left of the string coming from the right stick and pulling that string to the right then upward. The position now resembles a yo-yo configuration. The two sticks are now in neutral position (i.e. parallel to each other and to the ground), but the left stick is on the right.
5) Lift the left stick upward (keeping it parallel to the ground) while at the same time the right stick goes to the left then down under the diabolo then to the right. Then the position is neutral with diabolo riding on crossed strings. This is like an intermediate position in making cats cradle.
( From the right stick the string goes under the diabolo, under the left stick, circle the left stick clockwise straight across to the right stick over from the top, clockwise circle under the diabolo to the left stick. It is a very symmetrical position.)
In this movement the left hand move in a counterclockwise movement over the top of the diabolo while the right hand moves in a counterclockwise movement underneath the diabolo.
6) Throw the diabolo upward, drop the strings from the sticks and catch. You can also point cradle upward and catch on 'X', then throw the diabolo upward, drop the strings from the sticks and catch.
out a Similar Trick the Espresso
Sanders' Cradle Combo
Flash Movie Controls
source: Jeffrey Sanders
1) Using the right stick make a cradle. Follow steps a-d for instructions on 'sewing' a cradle with the right stick.
a) Drop the Left stick a little lower than the right and angle it so it points more right than straight ahead.
b) Now the right stick does the work. Move the end of the right stick around the end of the left stick so the right string hangs behind the left stick. The right stick is still above the left.
c) Pull the right stick back toward you so the right string is draped over the left stick.
d) Now poke your right stick end under the left stick end left of the string.
e) Pulling both sticks apart, you should see the cradle form. Your sticks should be held straight out. The diabolo hopefully is still spinning on the bottom string.
2) Now swing the diabolo to the left so it goes around the left stick and up and down onto the 'X' of the cradle. Careful don't allow the diabolo to land on the sting that is between the sticks to the back. Also be careful for if you don't get over the left stick you may end up in the dreaded necktie knot which is the not your friend.
3) Hold the diabolo on the cradle for crowd presentation. It should look like a complicated cradle with extra strings. You may want to point the sticks upward to show off the cradle even more.
4) To get out, toss the diabolo to the left, just enough, so it goes over the left stick and falls back down.
5)As the diabolo falls keep your stick ends close together and point them down to allow the sting loops to slip off the sticks.
6) The diabolo should again be on open string and your sticks can return to their standard positions.
Note: This trick may work easier with a medium-sized
diabolo, especially at first.
Double Cradle
(a cradle following a Counterclockwise Sun)
see Flash Movie Controls
1) Do a Counterclockwise Sun (CC Sun).
2) Keeping your arms and sticks normal (not crossed) point the ends of the sticks almost straight up. Begin to tilt your stick ends away from you a bit.
3) With the diabolo hanging, grab the strings with one finger from each hand. This is done while still holding each stick and before the stick tilting puts the diabolo's strings out of reach.
4) Reach over with the Right stick end and go under the string off the Left stick. Push the Right stick up enough so the Right stick's end and some of the string show.
5) Now place the Left stick's end between the 'shown' right stick and string.
6) Now begin to pull the sticks apart slightly, keeping the strings caught with the fingers.
7) With the sticks still tilted away from you, toss the diabolo up above the sticks.
8) As the diabolo rises, tighten the strings by pulling the sticks apart, keeping the sticks parallel. A double cradle should appear.
9) Catch the diabolo on the top of the double cradle for presentation.
10) Toss the diabolo up slightly.
11) As the diabolo rises, release the strings with your fingers and pull the sticks farther apart. A single cradle should appear.
12) Catch diabolo on the single cradle.
13) Toss diabolo to get out. Remember to drop your arms so the sticks point down allowing the string loops to release.
14) Tighten strings for catch.
Pav's Cradle
source: Pav Sidhu - Wales
1) Get the diabolo spinning at a normal speed and throw it in the air.
2) Lift the left stick higher than the right stick and cross them over.
3) Pull the left stick leftward so the string begins to drag over the right stick. The string should create a hanging loop of string.
4) Point the left stick half way into the loop and then pull both sticks apart from each other. As the strings tighten you should have an 'X' in the strings between the sticks.
5) Keeping the crossed string tight, point both sticks upward as if you are holding two candles.
6) Catch the diabolo on the 'X' to show the Cat's Cradle.
Tip: Practice making a cradle without a diabolo. Practice so you can make the cradle without looking at the sticks. This will allow you to concentrate on the tossed diabolo. As you get faster at blindly making a cradle you won't need to toss the diabolo as high.
Ghost Cradle
source: Corster
1) Begin with a Cat's Cradle (steps 1 & 2 only) from either the Left Backside or the Right Backside.
2) At this point the diabolo should be on the bottom string. From there toss the diabolo upward directly into the crossed strings, keeping your sticks apart, and letting the strings slide off. Note not to toss the diabolo too high for the diabolo will not release from the strings.
3) As the diabolo rises and falls back, the cradle disappears like a ghost. You'll find the diabolo back on the same Backside of the string used to initially make the cradle.
Variation: Begin with a Trapeze Cradle (from a Right or Left Trapeze) then toss off the 'X' and catch it only on the bottom 'across' string. From here perform the Ghost Cradle. After the cradle vanishes note that if you started from a Right Trapeze, you are now on the Left Backside. If you started from a Left Trapeze, you are now on the the Right Backside. Since the backside position offers entry to several other tricks, this variation can be used to assemble combination of tricks in a row.
Trapeze Cradle
(a double cradle
made from two trapezes, THIS IS NEAT!)
source: Nick Bestor
1) Start with as much speed and spin as possible.
2) Do a left trapeze.
3) Reach over with the Left stick end and hook the string loop off the Right stick. (This is the loop hook movement of the Trapeze Cradle.)
4) Instead of tossing the diabolo into a cradle, do a right trapeze.
5) Slip the string off the left handstick. It will come
next to the one
on the right and appear to be a double cradle. (It isn't.)
6) Reach over with the Left stick end and hook both string loops off the Right stick. (This is similar to the single loop hook movement of the Trapeze Cradle.)
7) Toss the diabolo up into a double cradle. (A higher
toss, gives the many string loops a chance slide into a the double cradle.)
(If on catching the diabolo the double cradle doesn't show well, then toss it
up again and the next catch may make the double cradle open more.)
Ronan's Cradle
source: Ronan Casey
1) Normal position, quite fast spin.
2) Throw the diabolo up and to the right.
3) Catch from above the diabolo.
4) Finish up on the "right back side", left arm over right.
5) Move your arms so that your sticks touch each other, quite close to your hands.
6) Keep in the same position and point both sticks straight up.
7) Note: Here's where it gets a bit tricky, it is quite similar to stirring the pot when you grab the string.
8) With your left hand's fingers reach out to grab the string on the left, which will be dangling from your right stick.
9) With your right hand's fingers reach out and grab the string on the right, which will be dangling from your left stick.
10) With your right arm and stick lower than the left's, pull the right stick out from underneath the "/\" created by the left stick and string.
11) Keep holding on to the string tightly, pull the left stick left and the right stick right, both still pointing straight up.
12) An "X" is created which you throw the diabolo onto.
13) You are now in a different type of Cat's Cradle.
(Point 8 and 9 are the real important point's, if you get can do them then (or
understand me) you will have no problem with it.)
Note 1: At point's 8 and 9, you can twist the string around the sticks to finish up in the traditional Cat's Cradle.
Note 2: After point 8 and
9, if you maneuver the tip of the handsticks around each other you can do a
Tiger's Cradle.
source: Ben T.
1. Get diabolo spinning really fast
2. Slip right handstick over left from behind to form hanging loop.
3. Put right handstick through the loop and pull apart so that there should
be an 'X' with the diabolo hanging below it.
4. Flip handsticks back towards you while getting the fronts closer and closer,
until there is a loop around each stick, holding it in place. The diabolo should
be sitting in a loop with a little 'X' above the axle.
5. Lift both handsticks with left hand so they are point down. Here you can
reach over with your right hand and pull on the right string to add spin to
the diabolo. You can also pull loop apart and put limbs through it.
6. To get out, hand your right stick back to your right hand and either pull
sticks apart and gently undo bonds, or pull sticks apart and quickly pull sticks
apart to toss it.
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Note: Black ended Stick
is your RIGHT stick.
Cross-arm Trapeze Cradle
(Arms are crossed though-out most of this trick.)
see Flash Movie Controls
source: Chad Lunders, Lincoln, NE, USA
1. Get diabolo spinning really fast and then go to the Left
Backside of the string. Note that the motion of the Left Backside makes
the the diabolo circle counterclockwise around the left stick.
2. Allow the diabolo to circle the left stick another time in the same counterclockwise
direction of the Step 1. This leaves the left stick with a loop of string over
it and a string laying across it to the right stick.
3. Bring your right stick and hand over the left stick and diabolo crossing
your arms. Try to keep the left stick pointed straight ahead but you'll have
to move your left arm, hand and stick rightward a bit.
4. Now reach over with your right stick's end into the loop of string hanging off the left stick. This is similar to making a regular Trapeze Cradle where one stick hooks the loop of string off the other stick.
5. Pull that hook of string over to the left and you should
see two strings going down to the diabolo from each stick. Try to keep both
sticks pointing forward and level. This is difficult because your arms are more
and more crossed.
6. Now toss the diabolo up off the strings, tossing it in front of the 'across'
sting between the sticks. You have to toss the diabolo straight up missing this
string. Note that your toss shouldn't be too high for your are going to be catching
with your arms crossed (not a normal catch.)
7. As the diabolo rises point your sticks upward and hold the string tight. Your arms are still crossed. The string should form a cradle 'X' between the strings.
8. Catch the diabolo on the 'X' with your arms crossed.
9. To get out, you can point your sticks inward and down to allow the loops to release and the diabolo to fall down on the strings between your sticks. Note that the diabolo is on open string but you arms are still crossed. Toss the diabolo up a bit, uncross your arms, and catch as normal.
9. (variation) To get out, toss the diabolo off the 'X',
uncross your arms and catch as normal.
Tiger Cradle
(sewing method)
source: Madfest '98
in 'dead mode first.)
1) With the diabolo on the floor still, but with arms and sticks in normal position,
raise the sticks straight up.
2) The string off each stick will be laying next to your hands, open your fingers slightly and then close them so the string is inside your grasp on each of the handles.
3) Stick the end of the left stick through the end and string of the right.
4) Pull the right stick down a little, stick the end of the right stick through the end and string of the left.
5) Pull sticks apart parallel and you should have a Tiger Cradle ready for the diabolo to be tossed onto.
When the trick is established, add spin , and go to the first step.
6) Now with the diabolo spinning on the bottom string of the double cross, tilt the cradle away from you and toss the diabolo up. Tilting opens a path for the diabolo's upward flight.
7) After the diabolo has risen above the sticks, tilt the cradle back straight up.
8) Catch diabolo on the top 'X' of the cradle and hold for presentation.
9) Now all this time you have been holding strings against the stick handles with your grip. Here is a good time to release both strings at once and pull apart a bit to tighten the cradle. The cradle magically becomes a single cradle with the diabolo still spinning on top.
10) Now toss from the
single cradle, drop arms (pointing sticks down), and move to position to catch.
Or instead of tossing, you can slowly point your stick ends at the diabolo
and then downward; allowing diabolo to drop down on string to normal position.
See Trapeze Cradle animation's ending.
Reinventing the Eiffel
Cradle variation with hand orbit intro)
see Flash Movie Controls
source: Rich Munoz---Colorado USA
1) Begin by doing the motion of a Left Trapeze. You let the diabolo circle around the Left stick, but purposely allow the diabolo to miss beyond the center string.
2) Hand your Left stick to your right hand and hold both sticks over the diabolo in a 'V'.
3) With your free Left hand slide it (thumb up) between the two strings hanging down to the diabolo.
4) Turn the 'V' sticks downward enough to allow the wrap around the Left stick to slip off and end up as a twist of string above your Left hand.
5) Swing the diabolo slightly back leftward with your Left hand. Then in the next movement, push the left string with you Left hand. (The hand pushing and the diabolo's swing should start the diabolo in an orbit over the hand.)
6) The diabolo should pop up inside the strings. Move your Left hand down under the diabolo and then leftward into the other string.
7) Continue to follow the diabolo with your hand to continue the 'hand' orbits. Make as many orbits as desired. This is where you are appearing to be REINVENTING THE WHEEL Note: You'll need enough spin left to do the following cradle which is the EIFFEL TOWER reinvention.
8) After the last 'hand' orbit, keep your hand between the strings and it should be above the diabolo. Rotate your hand (palm up) and grabs the twist of string below the stick ends.
9) Now take the twist of strings and rotate then to above the stick ends. After your hand rotation your palm is downward and there is a cross of string down to the diabolo. Slide the sticks into the top of that string cross and hook them over both stick ends. Your Right hand will need to point the sticks leftward for this.
10) After your Left hand leaves the strings on the sticks, take the left stick back with your Left. You should notice that a cross cradle begins to form on the sticks. Also notice that the two strings going down to the diabolo cross once above the axle.
11) You are holding the sticks straight upward with the diabolo hanging below. With the bottom fingers on both hands reach out and hook the opposite string with the opposite hand at the same time.
12) Bring those hooked strings back against the handles to form a second cross to the cradle of string. Use the bottom two fingers of each hand to hold the string.
13) Toss the diabolo off the bottom string taking care not to hit the crossed strings above it.
14) Catch the diabolo on the double cross (Eiffel Tower) for presentation.
15) Release your fingers holding the bottom strings and toss the diabolo up off the the cross.
16) Drop arms, pointing
sticks down so string loops open, and tighten string for catch.
Cradle Knot
Looks like a mistake, but no, it's a great trick!
see Flash Movie Controls
source: David Carpenter
Note: If your string is too dirty, this trick may be more difficult. Also If you ever get this knot (by mistake) when doing a Cat's Cradle; here's a way to turn a bad thing into a Great Trick!
1) Begin with a
Cat's Cradle but don't catch it on the
'X'. For a variation, see below.
1a) Start your Cat's
Cradle by going to the Left Backside.
1b) Use your right stick to create the cradle. See Cat's
Cradle instructions.
1c) Toss the diabolo upward off the bottom string of the cradle.
2) Catch the diabolo not on the 'X' as usual but on the LEFT string that comes off the left stick's end. This is the area of string that goes upward from the center of the cradle's 'X' to the left stick's end. Be careful to land the diabolo only that string.
3) As soon as the diabolo hits the string allow it to continue downward until a loop of string stops its fall. Notice that there should be a knot half way between the diabolo and the stick ends. The location of the knot should prevent your sticks from being very far apart.
4) Hand your left stick over to your right hand and right handstick. Now both sticks are side-by-side pointing at the diabolo.
5) Reach in with your left hand and grab the string loop just below the knot.
6) Pull your right hand and string loop to the left and you right hand and sticks should pull rightward.
7) With a slight tug toss the diabolo off the bottom string of the string loop. Take care that the rising diabolo doesn't hit the top string of the string loop.
8) The diabolo need not go too high. While the diabolo is in the air tighten the 'half' strings by pulling apart with your left hand and right hand and sticks. The string should be horizontal.
9) Catch the diabolo on both strings of the loop similar to a Looper trick.
10) Now toss a final time by giving slack and tightening the strings. Your toss needs to be over your head.
11) After the diabolo leaves the string, hand your left stick back to your left hand and begin to pull the string tight.
12) Note, as you pull the string tight the knot loop gets smaller and smaller and suddenly the knot should disappear like a 'slip' knot.
13) Leave the string tight for the catch.
Variation: See Trapeze
Cradle Knot.
Trapeze Cradle Knot
Looks like a mistake, but no, it's a great trick!
see Flash Movie Controls
Note: If your string is too dirty, this trick may be more difficult. Also If you ever get this knot (by mistake) when doing a Cat's Cradle; here's a way to turn a bad thing into a Great Trick!
1) Begin with a
Trapeze Cradle but don't catch it
on the 'X'.
1a) Do the Right
Trapeze trick.
1b) Use your left stick to reach over and hook the string loop off the right
stick and pull that string back to the left. This creates the 'X' of string
between the sticks.
1c) Toss the diabolo upward off the bottom string of the cradle.
2) Catch the diabolo not on the 'X' as usual but on the RIGHT string that comes off the right stick's end. This is the area of string that goes upward from the center of the cradle's 'X' to the right stick's end. Be careful to land the diabolo only that string.
3) As soon as the diabolo hits the string allow it to continue downward until a loop of string stops its fall. Notice that there should be a knot half way between the diabolo and the stick ends. The location of the knot should prevent your sticks from being very far apart.
4) Hand your left stick over to your right hand and right handstick. Now both sticks are side-by-side pointing at the diabolo.
5) Reach in with your left hand and grab the string loop just below the knot.
6) Pull your right hand and string loop to the left and you right hand and sticks should pull rightward.
6) With a slight tug toss the diabolo off the bottom string of the string loop. Take care that the rising diabolo doesn't hit the top string of the string loop.
7) The diabolo need not go too high. While the diabolo is in the air tighten the 'half' strings by pulling apart with your left hand and right hand and sticks. The string should be horizontal.
8) Catch the diabolo on both strings of the loop similar to a Looper trick.
9) Now toss a final time by giving slack and tightening the strings. Your toss needs to be over your head.
10) After the diabolo leaves the string, hand your left stick back to your left hand and begin to pull the string tight.
11) Note, as you pull the string tight the knot loop gets smaller and smaller and suddenly the knot should disappear like a 'slip' knot.
12) Leave the string tight for the catch.
Variation: See the Cradle
Star Cradle
(If you have trouble with the J-whip intro, try the Cat's Cradle intro)
source: Michael Morton
diagrams: Michael Morton
HELPFUL RESOURCES: 1) Lots of Spin, 2) Japanese J-whip trick or Cat's Cradle (from the Left Backside) trick, and the 3) Double Cradle trick.
The proper way into this trick requires doing the Japanese J-whip, but there is another easier way into it using the left backside Cat's Cradle (through step 2). After getting to the Cat's Cradle, begin the Star Cradle instructions at Step 4. Doing the trick with the J-whip intro is nice, in that, there are two moves where the diabolo jumps from within the pattern to another pattern of strings.
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1) Do a J-whip and turn the right hand stick sideways so it is adjacent to the axle |
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2) Push the left hand stick against the left-hand side of the string |
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3) Throw the diabolo onto the left-hand section of the string above the left hand stick |
NOTE: This is done by slightly tossing the diabolo leftward into the left-hand section of string so the diabolo swings leftward and below your sticks. As the diabolo is swinging leftward begin pointing your sticks upward to result in the configuration shown. | |
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4) This step involves throwing the diabolo and turning the stick configuration counter clockwise at the same time. |
Turn the sticks to the left and as you turn them, throw the diabolo onto the middle of the cross. | |
Note that the left hand stick ends up on the right-hand side. | |
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5) Push the left hand stick through the gap between the two right-hand bits of string. |
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6) Pull the hand sticks apart and point them both upwards. Watch this move carefully so the configuration of the strings results in a symmetric pattern. One side is the mirror look to the other. |
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The two middle bits of string should cross over near the axle. 7) Using your middle fingers, pull the two middle strings apart so that the strings no longer cross near the axle and keep pulling them apart until your fingers go past the hand sticks. Your fingers go behind the hand sticks, not in front. You right finger grabs the left string (from the left stick's end) first.
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8) Throw the diabolo up and catch it on the top, making the star cradle When you throw the diabolo off the strings, you will see that the strings form the shape of a star. |
To return to normal either point the stick downward and the diabolo will fall on open string. Or toss the diabolo off the star cradle, point sticks downward so loops disappear, tighten string, and catch. |
HELPFUL RESOURCES: 1) Lots of Spin, 2) Japanese J-whip trick or Cat's Cradle (from the Left Backside) trick, and the 3) Double Cradle trick.
Cradle Backside
(Going to the Left Backside of the string from a Right Trapeze Cradle)
(Similar instuctions allow for going to the Right Backside from a Left Trapeze Cradle)
source: Herman, Sweden
1. Do a Right Trapeze Cradle, but don't throw it up yet.
2. Throw the diabolo and land it on the string that goes across from both sticks. It is sometimes called the 'cross string' and isn't part of the strings that make the 'X'.
3. Slip the cradle off the sticks. This can be done by simply pointing the sticks in at each other and then pointing downward. The diabolo will be on the string with the string crossed just above the axle. This is the Left Backside, see figure.
Note: Some tricks require that you start from the Left Backside. This move is an easy way to get ready for those tricks.
Tricks that use the Left Backside are the Cat's Cradle and the Coffee Grinder.
Note: Above is shown how to get to the Left backside from a Right Trapeze Cradle. It is also possible to get to the Right Backside by doing similar moves from a Left Trapeze Cradle.
Cat's Cradle Cradle
source: Jacob Woolley-United Kingdom
1) Start of with quite a fast speed
2) Do a Trapeze Cradle, where you make a cradle and toss the diabolo onto the 'X' of the cradle.
3) As you hold the sticks upward with the diabolo on the strings, put you left thumb up in between the two strings at the bottom of the left stick. This can happen almost naturally as you stick your left thumb up and inward through the loop that is right there by your handle.
4) As soon as the thumb is in the loop, let go of your left stick so it falls straight down and hangs there.
5) Reach up with your thumb and place the loop over the right stick's end. You'll need to tilt the right stick downward to almost horizontal as you pass the loop over the end of it. You'll be holding everything with your right stick pointing leftward. There are now two loops of string on the right stick.
6) With your right stick level, pointing to the left, pick your left stick up with your left hand.
7) With your left handstick, hook its string over the right stick (either way, doesn't matter.)
8) Continue that motion so the left stick brings the string down and under the diabolo in a counterclockwise wrap.
9) Release the diabolo with a toss up on the left side with the sticks together. (Steps 7, 8, &, 9 are similar to doing an Half Spaghetti on the opposite side.)
CW Sun Double Cradle
source: Jonny Hall
1) Get up as
much speed as possible with the diabolo, as that will be the main problem with
this trick.
2) (Optional) Adjust hand position on the sticks to about half way up,
improves appearance of trick.
3) Do a Clockwise Sun, this results in
the string being twisted once above the diabolo.
4) Angle the sticks upwards and bring hand close together so both strings are
within reaching distance of the fingers.
5) NOTE – In the next two steps the RIGHT hand grabs from BEHIND and the
LEFT hand grabs from INFRONT, so as to ‘untwist’ the string.
6) Grab the left string (the string coming from the left stick) using the
right index finger, and vice-versa. This results in an ‘X’ being
between the sticks and the index fingers.
7) Grab the right string (the string which originally came from the right stick
and now comes from the left index finger), lower down this time, using the right
little finger, and vice-versa. This forms and ‘X’ between the index
fingers and the little fingers.
8) The diabolo should be spinning on the bottom string, probably sagging due
to its weight, throw the diabolo up and hold the sticks parallel and vertical
to display the double cradle, catch the diabolo on the top ‘X’.
9) Allow the diabolo to spin on the ‘X’ for the desired length of
before throwing it up and pulling the sticks out to straighten the string, ready
for the catch.
Variations of this trick can be done,
however the speed of the diabolo must be increased even more as they are lengthier.
Such variations allow triple and quadruple cradles. To do a Triple Cradle,
a right backside must be done before doing the single
clockwise sun, this adds an extra half twist. Then, when grabbing the
string, and extra step must be added (between 6 & 7), where by the string
is grabbed with the index fingers, then the middle fingers and finally the little
fingers to form three ‘X’s. Also, it is necessary to hold the sticks
even further up, about 2/3 of the way up (towards the string end). To carry
out a Quadruple Cradle, simply do a double clockwise sun, this
puts two full twists in the string, now carry out as before but grab using all
four available fingers, holding the sticks with the palms and thumbs, forming
four X’s. This trick would require the diabolo to be spinning incredibly
fast and as yet I have not successfully carried it out. In this variation the
sticks should be held about ¾ of the way up. In both variations the diabolo
should be tossed off the bottom string, the cradles stretched out (which becomes
tougher due to more friction) and held vertically to show, before catching the
diabolo on the top ‘X’.
Cradle Half
Cradles variation)
source: Max Gelfond
1) Do a Trapeze
Cradle, tossing it out of the cradle and catching it on the 'X' of string.
Follow instructions 1a - 1e for help if needed.
1a) Do a Right
Trapeze. While the diabolo is sitting in the trapeze spinning, gradually
move both your stick ends together allowing the diabolo to hang lower.
1b) With your left stick end, point at
the closest loop of string over the right stick. Now hook under that loop with
your left stick and begin to pull your sticks apart. Your sticks should both
be straight out and parallel with each other as you pull.
1c) Notice the closest string to you. Stop pulling the sticks apart when that
string is almost touching the near cup of the diabolo.
1d) Now toss the diabolo up off the other strings. After tossing keeping your
sticks parallel to each other and begin pointing them both straight up (like
holding two candles).
1e) Between your sticks you should have a cross of strings.
Catch the falling diabolo on the center of the cross and allow it to set and
2) Now do a Half Spaghetti. Here you are hooking the right stick's string behind the left stick. Pull the right stick toward you and down under the diabolo right to left. Bring that right stick along side of the left so the ends of both stick are close together.
3) Swing the handing diabolo out to your right and upward from there. As the diabolo rises by your sticks, point your stick ends at the diabolo so the string loops will release. The diabolo should become free and go in a toss. (NOTE: Be sure to toss your diabolo right of both sticks, not between your sticks.)
4) Catch diabolo.
Flag Pole Grind
source: Mitch Brown, Mablethorpe, Linconshire
1) Do a Cat's Cradle or Trapeze Cradle. These tricks are sometimes called a Scottish Flag.
2) After holding the diabolo on the 'X' of the 'flag', don't toss it. Tilt the 'flag' to the right so the flag hanging down. This action will make the diabolo land on the inside of the right stick in a grind.
3) Allow the diabolo to grind as long as you want and then toss it back up and catch it back on the 'X.'
4) Exit from there however you prefer. For example: toss diabolo, drop arms (pointing sticks downward to untangle strings), then catch falling diabolo. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Joel's Cradle
source: Joel , Sweden
1) With the diabolo spinning in normal position, move your left stick under your right stick. Move the left stick back to the left and now the right part of the string is laying over the left stick.
2) Now pass your left stick to your right hand, making sure that the string doesn't slip off the left stick. Now you are holding both sticks in right hand. Note: You should be holding the sticks in a 'V' so there is a cross of string above the diabolo. Also, if the right stick's part of the string is laying close to the end of the left stick's end, the cross of string is not too close to the diabolo.
3) Reach down with the left hand and hook the string below the 'string cross' with your first finger. Note: the finger 'hooks' in from the audience side toward you.
4) Pull your left hand upward with the string that goes to the left side of the diabolo still hooked on your finger.
5) Keeping the string on that finger, take the left hand stick back with your left hand. You again have a stick in each hand, but now you are also holding a loop of string with the left hand's first finger.
6) With the end of the right stick, put it in the big opening between the two strings going down to the diabolo. Move that right stick outward hooking that right string. Note: The diabolo continues to be on open string with no wraps.
7) Allow the hook of string to slip off your left finger and move the right stick outward even more to open up the configuration allowing room for the diabolo to be tossed upward.
8) Toss the diabolo upward making sure to miss the string on the top of the sticks.
9) As the diabolo rises pull the sticks apart as with any cradle. Note: the strings form an unusual cross with extra loops on the bottom of the cross.
10) Catch the diabolo on the cross for presentation.
11) To return to normal, point both sticks toward the diabolo, allowing the sting loops to slide off the sticks. The diabolo and sticks return to open string.
e-mail Jim