Diabolo Tricks
Under-The-Leg Orbits
written for righties
Flash Movie Controls allow viewing larger animations with stop/step controls

All animations are of the performer's view.
Under-The-Leg Tricks
Under-The-Leg Holland's Hitch & Reverse Leg Scoop

oo = Open Orbits, ul = Under-The-Leg Orbits,

bs = BackSide, ls =  Leg Stall,

hh =  Holland's Hitch, rl =  Reverse Leg Scoop,

to = Toss Out back to Open Orbits.

see Flash Movie Controls

oo = Open Orbits are clockwise circles where the bottom half of the diabolo's path is on the string; while the top half is an arched left to right toss.

ul =  Under-The-Leg Orbits are done by allowing an Orbit to follow the string low enough to step a leg into the orbits center.  The right leg may be the easiest to step in with.  The action of the orbits is similar to Open Orbits except that the  string touches the leg above the knee forcing a tighter orbit.

bs = An Under-The-Leg BackSide catch is done on the right side where the string is laid on top the axle.  Then very quickly the right stick encircles the diabolo (clockwise) capturing it.  Remember that the diabolo on the backside of the string will slow because of the string's half twist on the axle.

Under-The-Leg Orbits
(Diabolo moves in a circle, half of the time on the string while under the leg, and half jumping over the leg.) Animation shows Open Open Orbits to Under-The-Leg Orbits.
(The animation's 'Leg' slice is where the string touches your leg.)
see Flash Movie Controls

1) Begin with some Open Orbits, gaining speed. 

2) Allow an Open Orbit to follow the string low enough so you can step a leg into the orbits center.  The right leg may be the easiest to step in with. Continue as you would with open orbit movements, but now with your leg in the center.

3) Use left stick to guide diabolo left, up, and around clock-wise so it will 'hop' over your leg to the right.  The action of the orbits is similar to Open Orbits except that the string touches the leg above the knee forcing a tighter orbit.

4) Try to catch the diabolo on the right stick close to the stick's end. As with all orbit sticks, the more the diabolo is on the string the more speed it gains.

5) To remove your leg and return to Open Orbits; wait until the diabolo has just passed under your leg and bring your leg back from above the string. The best time to do this is when the string is low which is as the diabolo is on the string to the left.
-variation- Toss the diabolo higher from left to right, giving you time to retrieve your leg.

6) Continue with Open Orbits.

Standard Leg Stall
(Under-The-Leg beginning trick)

source:  Fred, Sheffield

1) Begin with Under-The-Leg Orbits.

2) As the diabolo comes around on the left side toss it straight up. (Not to the right as you usually would for another orbit.)

3) While the diabolo is in the air bring your right handstick to the left so its string wraps over your leg. Point your right stick downward and leftward to make the sting parallel and tight just left of your leg. You may need to turn your body to face left. Keep you left stick closer to you.

4) Catch the falling diabolo on that right stick's string and hold it in a stall.

5) To return to Under-The-Leg Orbits, launch the diabolo out of the stall with a tug of the right stick. The diabolo should rise up so it will eventually land off to your right side.

6) Catch the diabolo and resume Over-The-Leg Orbits.  It is possible here to step out with the leg if your toss is high enough, this allows you to return to Open Orbits or just a catch.

Variation: After step 4 there are other exits and transitions. Instead of tossing out of the stall, swing the stalled diabolo up and rightward in a sun movement. The diabolo should swing over the leg and then under the leg. This puts the diabolo on the Right Backside and hanging on the string below the leg. It is possible for the performer to step out with his/her leg from above the string and do a cross-armed toss, but the diabolo can also be swung back to the right side for a right trapeze. From the right trapeze position the Holland's Hitch release can be performed. Or, the diabolo can be swung back from its right backside hanging position to come all the way back to stall again where it was before; this is the move used in the Leg Stall trick.

Leg Stall

see Flash Movie Controls

ls = The Leg Stall is neat way to get out the backside.  After the diabolo is catch on the backside, it can be allowed to swing to the left and then back right.  As the diabolo swings back it is in a reversed orbit, a counter clockwise orbit.  While the diabolo is rising up on the right side, encircle the diabolo with the right stick as the diabolo now goes over the leg.  The right stick circles the diabolo (counter clockwise) and ends up near your leg with the diabolo right of it.  The diabolo ends up hanging in a 'stalled' position left of the leg.  To get out toss from the stalled position so the diabolo goes up and to the right.  Catch the diabolo and resume Over-The-Leg Orbits.  It is possible here to step out with the leg if your toss is high enough, this allows you to return to Open Orbits or just a catch.

to = Toss Out back to Open Orbits is just the action of a high orbit so you can step out with your leg and then catch the diabolo on the right side.  From here Open Orbits can be continued.

Holland's Hitch
(Single Fritz Release Under-The-Leg)
see Flash Movie Controls

source:  Matt Holland USA

hh = Holland's Hitch is a Single Fritz Release from Under-The-Leg.  From Under-The-Leg orbits go the Right Backside, allow the diabolo to swing under your leg to the left, and then allow the diabolo to swing back to the right where you do a Trapeze, continue your stick around the diabolo CC and snap down to release the diabolo straight up.


Reverse Leg Scoop
see Flash Movie Controls

source:  Wayne van Wijk, Australia

rl = Reverse Leg Scoop involves going to the Left Backside and a Right Trapeze.  On the left side as the diabolo leaves the string, instead of popping it over the leg, pop it straight up....and then perform an un-wrap and re-capture move (Left Trapeze)- bringing the string around the diabolo (on the inside) and then down over the axle (this will put the diabolo on the backside of the string).  The diabolo will travel under the left leg (CCW) and up towards the right stick.  As the diabolo moves to the outside of the right stick perform a round the world stopover move (Right Trapeze) with the right stick. (the diabolo will not go into a stopover proper)  As soon as the diabolo has stopped moving CCW force the diabolo back in the direction from whence it came.  NOW YOU HAVE TO MOVE FAST.  As the diabolo is coming back under your leg (CW) step your left leg out of the loop of string (out of the leg jump position)....cross your arms (right over left)....pop up the diabolo with a little throw..uncross your arms and re-catch the diabolo with a cool smile.  THIS TRICK ONLY LOOKS GOOD IF PERFORMED WITH THE POISE AND STYLE OF FRED ASTAIRE.


Ollie's Under The Leg Elevator

source: Ollie Ashton

1) Begin by doing normal Under-The-Leg orbits.

2) As the diabolo is going to the left on the string, do a Clockwise sun around the Left stick.

Note: The diabolo will go over the leg to the right and pause.

3) With the diabolo in a sun, pull the left handstick higher and the diabolo
will climb the string! The Right stick's end will be low near your feet.

See also Climb The String.

4) Unwrap the 'wrap' on the axle as normal and swing the diabolo back over
your leg to the left. This is a counterclockwise movement of the left stick.

5) Let the diabolo swing back to the right under your leg, on the string and then bring it back
to the left.

6) Go back in Under-The-Leg Orbits.


Under The Leg Grind
see Flash Movie Controls

source: spearedbyedge654

1) Begin by doing normal Under-The-Leg orbits.

2) After you toss over your leg catch the diabolo on the Right stick in a Grind. Your right stick is pointing left as you grind.

3) Allow the diabolo to grind as long as your dare and then give it slight toss.

4) Catch the diabolo on the right side string and continue your Under-The-Leg orbits.


Under The Bridge
see Flash Movie Controls

source: Joe Hodgetts

1) Begin by doing normal Under-The-Leg Orbits.

2) Just after the diabolo goes over your leg and begins to fall downward on the right side. Go to the Right Backside by capturing the diabolo from above with the right handstick string. This is simply a Right Backside move with your leg over the string.

3) As soon as the diabolo travels under your leg and moves leftward, release the right handstick downward. This begins the right handstick in a clockwise Suicide around the diabolo as it goes out to your left side. A suicide is where an unheld stick swings freely held only by the string.

4) To catch the right stick, place your right hand somewhere above the diabolo with your thumb up. The stick should return to approximately that location after encircling the diabolo. The stick is to be caught outside the left stick, that is the audience side of the left stick and string.

5) Catch the stick and gently swing the diabolo leftward. So after a swing with the left, lightly pull with that right handstick so the diabolo swings up and over the left stick. This movement is important because it removes a full wrap that was on the diabolo's axle. Also, as with many suicide catches, the right hand needs to re grip back to normal. Since the diabolo was caught with the thumb up, your hand needs to be moved around and this can be done while you are pulling with the right.

6) The diabolo is on crossed strings and can be brought back to normal with a cross-armed toss. This is where the right handstick crosses near you and leftward and the left stick reaches right. From there the diabolo can be tossed, the arms uncrossed, and the diabolo caught on open string.

6 Variation) Joe has a neat way to get the diabolo back to normal. After step 5 where the diabolo has just went over the left stick, turn to your right 180 degrees so you are facing backstage with the diabolo in front of you. Now the string is open on the diabolo, so toss it straight upward. While the diabolo is in the air, turn to your right 180 degrees again and catch the diabolo. You are again facing the audience and the diabolo is on open string!


source: Alex Haslehurst

1) Begin by doing normal Under-The-Leg Orbits.

2) After the diabolo goes under your leg toss it straight up on the left side.

3) As the diabolo comes down on the left side catch it on the backside of the right stick's string. This is done by pointing the right stick left and reaching left to catch the falling diabolo from underneath.

4) Release the left stick so it begins into a Suicide. The left stick suicides under the leg counterclockwise, up on the right side, and over the leg. Lifting the leg will help the stick to swing. NOTE: You may find that the hand stick doesn't travel all the way back to your hand. So instead of just letting go of the stick, you can push it into orbit. Different weighted handsticks and diabolos will travel differently.

5) Quickly get your left hand ready for the catch above the leg right after you release the stick. Hold your hand thumb up. Catch handstick in left hand.

6) Do a Cross Arm Toss and catch to undo the string. twist.

Phil's Legocide

source: Phil Griffiths, U.K.

1. Get your Diabolo spinning very fast and put a Right Hand wrap on it. This is simply counterclockwise circling the diabolo with the end of the right stick to put a wrap of string on the axle.

2. Stick your leg over the string and do the beginning of a Under The Leg Orbit.

3) The diabolo should be on the string, under your leg, with a wrap on the axle.

4) Point your right stick downwards and simply let go of the right handstick.

5). As the handstick suicides around your leg, position your right hand, (thumb up) above your leg, ready to catch. It is mighty important that your 'catching' hand be closer to you than the Left handstick's string. If not, the trick will end with a twist of string on the axle.

6) Catch the stick and reposition it in your hand. You are on open string. If not, you have caught the stick too far from your body, see step 5.

7) Remove your leg and smile.

7 Variation) If you leave your leg there, this is also a good way of starting Under The Leg Orbit.

NOTE: If you start this trick with a Left hand Wrap, you'll be able to catch the suiciding stick on the audience side of your left stick and string. This might be an easier catch, depending on your next trick.




See also Around The Foot, Orbits, Over-The-Arm, and Over-The-Arm Extras

e-mail Jim

